Friday, January 7, 2011

My DigiCam needs a boarding pass to heaven

What!! You just bought one of those 14.1 megapixel cammies down there..  
That's incredibly absolutely not bad, atleast  thats what the digi-cam or any other cam OEM's think. Well you'll not find a 'Thank you for buying' card coming your way, so better not expect it. De facto is that camera sales have declined, ever since the mobile phone was born, perhaps reborn as an all in one device.(ofcourse with a camera)

I certainly donot buy that thought, and that's because camera phones suck and still suck big time. Chiefly because none of them have Optical zoom. That's true for all the Berries, Iphones et al and all the other smartest of all devices as well.
But where it certainly scores is at being a swish set optical device that is online all the time, with a conglomerate of apps to PHOBAR your pics, to the extent that every pixel of the image screams out PHOTOSHOPPED. And then the very next instance you upload it to Facebook, share it on twitter or send it off as an email. Now that's convenience, in the real sense of the word. And it's certainly the need of the hour for the present generation with our umbillical chords tied to the internet. 

Devour the fact that your new 14 point something shiny toy can't do it. Yes, I know there are some other wifi-enabled cammies as well. But setting them up is super clunky. Believe me while doing it, you'll feel like whooping your ass, if you've bought it or the executive's  if you are out for a demo.
What the digital camera manufacturers need is to give the Digi Cam or whatever cam a new Avatar and make a device that's online all the time and makes the editing and uploading task an automated process, rather than it being an ordeal. I am talking of a utilitarian chic device that does it all with a press of a button. A device that marries them both together, a CAMOB may be.This needs to happen no later than RIGHT NOW..   

This lands me into obfuscation about what is better a 12MP Camera phone or a 14 or 18 MP stand-alone camera. Stalemate.



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